Courtney Dumlao & David Daly with MEO
(Maui Economic Opportunity)
This presentation is for anyone interested in starting a small business in 2018.
Encore entrepreneurship is quickly becoming a popular business venture after retirement. A successful encore entrepreneur plans well and works diligently to realize their business ownership goals.
As seasoned professionals, encore entrepreneurs bring maturity, strong finances, experience, and a wide network of professional contacts and associates to their second act: Small Business Ownership.
Courtney Dumlao, Loan Fund Manager with MEO and David Daly, MEO Business Center Director, will discuss the four core principles of a business plan. They include success and marketing planning with a focus on cash flow start-up costs and operations planning.
The presentation will cover:
- Personal Experience/Resume, Goals and Strategies
- Industry & Customer Marketing Strategies
- Cash flow Start-Up Costs
- Building a Team of Advisors for Management/Training and Taxes
What: Akakū Upstairs Presents: Encore Entrepreneurship –Starting Your Own Business with
Courtney Dumlao and David Daly with MEO (Maui Economic Opportunity)
Where: 333 Dairy Rd. Ste. 204 Kahului, HI 96732
When: Thursday, January 18, 2018 from 6pm – 8pm