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Storytelling as a Marketing Tool with Shaggy Jenkins –

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Shaggy Jenkins presents Storytelling as a Marketing Tool Since cavemen painted on walls, storytelling has been one of the most unifying elements of mankind central to human existence and taking place in every known culture in the world. It’s how we learn, instill morals and values, and connect with one another… which makes it a powerful psychological tool when it comes to your marketing.

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Akakū Upstairs Presents: Google Drive 101 –

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This workshop is designed as an overview of the POWER of the Cloud using Google Drive. Most small business owners use this platform to apply the wealth of opportunities it provides. All you need is a Gmail account to have access to this platform. Share files, save files and create files. It is a free platform to use and an inexpensive option for entrepreneurs to work on the same level of larger companies.

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Learn Snapchat's Tools for Creative Storytelling

Snapchat Aram Armstrong

Akakū Upstairs: Thursday Salon Series – April 6, 2017 Demystify Snapchat’s Tools for Creative Storytelling Kahului, Hawaii: A free seminar in how to use “Snapchat”, a popular digital application, will be this…

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